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Iowafootballprograms was built so that passionate program and ticket collectors would not only have an enjoyable way to view the history of Iowa Programs and Tickets, but a reference they can use to build their own collections. 


I would like to start by thanking all the wonderful Hawkeye Collectors that made this site possible by sharing their program and ticket collections. A special thanks goes out to John Evans, Michael Bush, and Lonny Tanner for their many contributions in making this site what it is today.  I couldn't have done it without them.


I am always buying programs and tickets, as well as other Hawkeye collectibles including: autographs, game used jerseys or helmets, herky banks, team badges, and many others. Even if it is pictured, it doesn't mean I have it in my personal collection so please reach out. I would also ask anyone that might have programs or tickets not pictured, even if not for sale, to reach out so that I could possibly add them to the website. This is a project that all of us passionate Iowa collectors could help with.

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